Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Behind the Scenes: Making Products You Love

Team Diet Doctor

Why must low carb be made simple? And what does love have to do with it?

Low carb must be made simple

As you probably know, Diet Doctor exists to empower people everywhere to revolutionize their health. Our first mission on this long, exciting, journey is to make low carb simple.

Today, low carb is hard due to three main forces. First, there’s an immense amount of misinformation about food and health. Second, the food environment is full of processed junk. Third, changing habits and beliefs is challenging.

The result? More than a billion people are obese, over 400 million have diabetes, and no one knows how many suffer in other ways. This totally sucks.

But, we don’t have to accept this situation – we can do something about it. What would happen if we made low carb simple for everyone, everywhere? 

Hundreds of millions could embrace the low-carb lifestyle. People could revolutionize their health and all that potential that’s been locked-up for too long would be freed up. Now, finally, all these people would have the resources required to pursue their dreams and make the world a better place. Awesome.

Together we’re going to make low carb simple. How? By making products people love.

The importance of love

When people fall in love with something they get excited and can’t stop talking about it. They tell their friends, they tell their families and they tell everyone else too!

To make low carb simple, a movement of such passionate people must be created. Our job is to make products people love – so that they revolutionize their health and become low-carb ambassadors.

Our six main products

The below are the key products we provide today:


Guides aimed to make low carb simple for people and to help people with weight loss, diabetes etc. Free.


Low-carb recipes designed to be the most simple, inspiring and delicious in the world. Free.


A step-by-step 2-week program designed to make it simple to get started on low carb. It’s quite popular – over 40,000 people have signed up so far this year. Free.


High-quality video courses, interviews and presentations with the world’s greatest low-carb experts. Low-carb movies and interviews with low-carb success stories. This is a membership product (free to try for 30 days, $9 a month after).

Ask the experts

Four low-carb experts answer your questions. Membership product.

Articles and news

Low-carb news, success stories, and science.

These products are far from perfect – we know – they are what we have been able to do so far. But now with close to 17,000 members, we can do more than ever.

What would make you love these products more? Let us know – it helps us prioritize.

Five product ideas

To make low carb simple, we have to do much more. Below are some of the new product ideas we’re considering. Which of these would you love?

Meal and shop planner
Make it easy and fun to for you to plan meals, create personalized meal plans, and get the shopping list automatically, in the format you want it.

On-demand support
Ask any low-carb related question and get an answer immediately from one of our many experts.

Crave-killer app
App which helps you not give in to cravings by providing tailored advice and connecting you to your supporters.

Track your progress
Track your low-carb progress in essential areas such as desires, beliefs, feelings, environment, skills, habits, weight, waist circumference, blood profile etc. Get “promoted” to higher levels when you have achieved certain things.

Diet Doctor app for core existing products
App that simplifies the experience in a way that make you want to use it many times every day, a little like you use Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (scroll and enjoy).

You make low carb simple

So, today, low carb is hard and that sucks, but we don’t have to accept the status quo – we can do something about it. By making low carb simple for everyone, everywhere, lots of people could revolutionize their health, fall in love with low carb, and become low-carb ambassadors. Our job is to create the products that will make that happen.

Team Diet Doctor consists of six full-time employees, one part-time employee and a number of awesome freelancers. It is you, our members, who make this possible. You fund this company. You provide our salaries. You enable us to wake up in the morning and work hard to make low carb simple, every day.

For this reason, it’s fair to say that you are making low carb simple. There’s no way we could do this without you and we deeply appreciate your support.

Thank you – and let’s do this!

The post Behind the Scenes: Making Products You Love appeared first on Diet Doctor.

Behind the Scenes: Making Products You Love

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